The Cousins Program

The Cousins Program was developed at Evans Head Preschool and is now being run at two local preschools.

This program aims to support Aboriginal preschoolers with the transition to big school.

Aboriginal Primary school students visit the preschools and participate in learning experiences which promote a positive sense of identity.

The recognisable colours of red, black and yellow are used in art and craft activities. Other activities include listening to stories, participating in traditional dance and cooking up batches of Johnny cakes and damper. There are also plenty of other fun games to join in.

This is all supported by links to the local community and our preschool-specific Aboriginal Cultural Advisor.

Here are the outcomes for each of our stakeholders:

Preschool Jarjums

  • To be involved in a culturally safe school transition program
  • To develop a sense of identity
  • To develop a sense of belonging to a community

Indigenous School Mentors (ISM)

  • To promote a positive representation of Indigenous children in our community
  • To develop a sense of belonging to a community
  • To support educational outcomes
  • To increase school attendance

Preschool educators

  • To develop a culturally safe preschool environment
  • To develop a deeper understanding of Indigenous families and learning styles
  • To be culturally aware

Families of Indigenous children

  • To engage and consult with preschool in an authentic manner
  • To have an input into the preschool curriculum
  • To build capacity and pride

How it feels to be a ‘Cousin’

This video is a collage of the primary students’ thoughts on how they feel about being a ‘Cousin’ to the preschool students.

Story contributed by Cath Gillespie from Evans Head Preschool. Published in 2015.